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Advanced_Combat_Tracker Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Advanced_Combat_Tracker"]

Public classActGlobals
A static data object for ACT to talk to other forms and store common data
Public classActGlobalsActLocalization
Contains strings that can be localized in ACT
Public classActGlobalsActLocalizationLocalizationStringsHelper
A safe accessor for ActLocalization.LocalizationStrings. Usage: var Trans = new ActGlobals.ActLocalization.LocalizationStringsHelper(); string s = Trans[\"localizationKey\"]; // Will return \"localizationKey\" if the key is not found and write a message in ACT's log. Trans[\"localizationKey\"] = \"Translated text\";
Public classActLoader
Public classActPluginData
Data container for plugin instances and related UI elements
Public classAttackType
Data object holding swings of a specific type of attack
Public classAttackTypeColumnDef
A column defintion for AttackType objects
Public classAttackTypeDualComparison
Public classCheckboxPopup
Public classClipboardEventArgs
Public classColorControl
Public classCombatActionEventArgs
Event data containing info about the combat action. If subscribed to the correct event, this info can be changed before being stored as data
Public classCombatantData
A data object representing a combatant within an encounter
Public classCombatantDataColumnDef
A column defintion for CombatantData objects
Public classCombatantDataDamageTypeDef
Used in the creation of DamageTypeData rows(Outgoing/IncomingDamageTypeDataObjects) within a CombatantData object
Public classCombatantDataDualComparison
Public classCombatantDataTextExportFormatter
A text export definition for a CombatantData object
Public classCombatToggleEventArgs
Class holding an encounter object and it's position
Public classCustomTrigger
Data object for Custom Triggers
Public classDamageTypeData
Data object labeled as Melee/Non-Melee etc that holds child AttackTypes
Public classDamageTypeDataColumnDef
A column defintion for DamageTypeData objects
Public classDnum
A variable for storing damage numbers based on Int64
Public classDrawingHelpers
Public classEncounterData
Data object representing an Encounter
Public classEncounterDataColumnDef
A column defintion for EncounterData objects
Public classEncounterDataTextExportFormatter
A text export definition for a EncounterData object
Public classEncounterHTMLEntry
Data object for tracking the index page of the HTML view
Public classFontColorControl
Public classFormActMain
The main ACT form
Public classFormAlliesEdit
Public classFormAvoidanceReport
Public classFormAvoidanceReportAvoidanceItem
Public classFormByCombatantLookup
Public classFormCheckboxPopup
Public classFormCombatantSearch
Summary description for FormCombatantSearch.
Public classFormCustomEncRange
Public classFormCustomTriggerBenchmark
Public classFormEncounterLogs
Summary description for FormEncounterLogs.
Public classFormEncounterVcr
Public classFormExportFormat
Public classFormGetPlugins
Public classFormImportProgress
Public classFormMiniParse
Summary description for FormMiniParse.
Public classFormPerformanceWizard
Public classFormResistsDeathReport
Summary description for FormResistsDeathReport.
Public classFormSpellRecastCalc
Summary description for FormSpellRecastCalc.
Public classFormSpellTimers
Summary description for FormSpellTimers.
Public classFormSpellTimersPanel
Public classFormSqlQuery
Public classFormStartupWizard
Public classFormTimeLine
Public classFormUpdater
Summary description for FormUpdater.
Public classFormXmlSettingsIO
Public classHistoryRecord
Data class used in Zone/Encounter History Records
Public classHitDist
Simple data object for tracking a number of occurances
Public classLcdUpdateEventArgs
Class containing the returned LCD data
Public classListViewNoFlicker
A ListView that suppresses a lot of normal painting operations(flickering) when BeginUpdate/EndUpdate() is used. Call SetExStyles() after construction to enable anti-flicker.
Public classLocalizationObject
Public classLogFileRenamedEventArgs
Public classLogLineEntry
Data object for Encounter Logs window
Public classLogLineEventArgs
Class holding a log line and info about it
Public classMasterSwing
Data object holding all info relating to a single attack(or any combat action)
Public classMasterSwingColumnDef
A column defintion for MasterSwing objects
Public classMasterSwingDualComparison
Public classNotificationHistoryItem
Public classOptions_Color
Public classOptions_SoundTts
Public classOptionsDrawer Obsolete.
Public classSampleData
Data object for advanced mode graphing
Public classSettingsSerializer
Store simple settings from controls into an XML element
Public classSpellTimer
Spell timer object
Public classStrDouble
Data object containing a string and double
Public classStrFloat
Data object containing a string and float
Public classTextExportFormatOptions
Formatting data object for the Mini Window/Clipboard Exporting
Public classThreadInvokes
A set of static methods that can perform a specific action on a Control that was not created on the current thread. If an invoke is not required, a normal action is taken.
Public classTimelineEvent
Timeline data object
Public classTimerData
Timer Window data object. This can be used as storage object for spell timer definitions
Public classTimerFrame
Data class representing a frame within the Spell Timer window
Public classTimerMod
Data class to store recast delay mods of spell timers
Public classToolTipGrid
Data object container for tool tip popups
Public classToolTipRect
Data object for containing tool tip text within a plane
Public classTraySlider
A small message form that slides up from the lower-right corner of the screen. By default, will wait until the foreground window is not full-screen. Should be created/shown from a UI thread.
Public classUrlRequestEventArgs
Contains I/O data objects for the event
Public classVcrCombatant
Data object used for VCR playbacks
Public classVcrEncounter
Top level data object for creating a VCR playback
Public classVcrEvent
Data object used for VCR playbacks
Public classWebIndexLink
Public classXmlSnippetEventArgs
Public classZoneData
A data object representing a collection of encounters split up by which zone they were in
Public interfaceIActPluginV1
To be loaded by ACT, plugins must implement this interface
Public delegateAttackTypeColorDataCallback
A signature used to accept an EncounterData object and return a Fore/Back-color based on what the ColumnDef represents
Public delegateAttackTypeStringDataCallback
A signature used to accept a AttackType object and return a string of data based on what the ColumnDef represents
Public delegateClipboardEventDelegate
Public delegateColorControlColorSettingEventDelegate
When the color setting that is being stored has changed
Public delegateCombatActionDelegate
Combat action event delegate
Public delegateCombatantDataColorDataCallback
A signature used to accept an EncounterData object and return a Fore/Back-color based on what the ColumnDef represents
Public delegateCombatantDataExportStringDataCallback
A signature used to accept a CombatantData object and return a string of data based on what the TextExportFormatter represents
Public delegateCombatantDataStringDataCallback
A signature used to accept a CombatantData object and return a string of data based on what the ColumnDef represents
Public delegateCombatToggleEventDelegate
Combat toggling event delegate
Public delegateDamageTypeDataColorDataCallback
A signature used to accept an EncounterData object and return a Fore/Back-color based on what the ColumnDef represents
Public delegateDamageTypeDataStringDataCallback
A signature used to accept a DamageTypeData object and return a string of data based on what the ColumnDef represents
Public delegateEncounterDataColorDataCallback
A signature used to accept an EncounterData object and return a Fore/Back-color based on what the ColumnDef represents
Public delegateEncounterDataExportStringDataCallback
A signature used to accept a EncounterData object and return a string of data based on what the TextExportFormatter represents
Public delegateEncounterDataStringDataCallback
A signature used to accept a EncounterData object and return a string of data based on what the ColumnDef represents
Public delegateFontColorControlColorSettingEventDelegate
When the color setting that is being stored has changed
Public delegateFontColorControlFontSettingEventDelegate
When the font setting that is being stored has changed
Public delegateFormActMainAttackTypeGraphGenerator
Public delegateFormActMainCombatantGraphGenerator
Public delegateFormActMainDamageTypeGraphGenerator
Public delegateFormActMainDateTimeLogParser
A replacable method that will parse the DateTime from a log line
Public delegateFormActMainEncounterGraphGenerator
Public delegateFormActMainNullDelegate
Public delegateFormActMainPlaySoundDelegate
A replacable method that will handle sound output
Public delegateFormActMainPlayTtsDelegate
A replacable method that will handle Text to Speech
Public delegateFormActMainXmlSnippetAddedDelegate
Event for when ACT is instructed to add the data from an XML snippet (the XML data should be parsed and commited)
Public delegateFormSpellTimersSpellTimerViewGenerator
Public delegateLcdButtonPressedEventDelegate
Lcd Button Pressed Event Delegate
Public delegateLcdUpdateEventDelegate
Lcd Update Event Delegate
Public delegateLogFileChangedDelegate
Public delegateLogFileRenamedDelegate
Public delegateLogLineEventDelegate
Parsed log line event delegate
Public delegateMasterSwingColorDataCallback
A signature used to accept an EncounterData object and return a Fore/Back-color based on what the ColumnDef represents
Public delegateMasterSwingStringDataCallback
A signature used to accept a MasterSwing object and return a string of data based on what the ColumnDef represents
Public delegateSpellTimerEventDelegate
Spell Timer Event Delegate
Public delegateUrlRequestEventDelegate
Url Handler Event Delegate