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CombatantData Class

A data object representing a combatant within an encounter
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Advanced_Combat_Tracker
Assembly:  Advanced Combat Tracker (in Advanced Combat Tracker.exe) Version:
public class CombatantData : IComparable, 
	IEquatable<CombatantData>, IComparable<CombatantData>

The CombatantData type exposes the following members.

Public methodCombatantData
A data object representing a combatant within an encounter
Public propertyAllies
Public propertyAllInc
The AttackType child objects of this named DamageTypeData object
Public propertyAllOut
The AttackType child objects of this named DamageTypeData object
Public propertyBlocked
Number of non-miss failed attacks from Outgoing Damage(DamageTypeData)
Public propertyColCollection
Contains SQL column data
Public propertyStatic memberColHeaderCollection
Contains SQL column names
Public propertyStatic memberColHeaderString
Contains SQL column names
Public propertyStatic memberColTypeCollection
Contains SQL column data types
Public propertyCritDamPerc
String representation of the critical damage percentage rate
Public propertyCritHealPerc
String representation of the critical heal percentage rate
Public propertyCritHeals
Number of critical heals from Healed (Out)(DamageTypeData)
Public propertyCritHits
Number of critical hits from Outgoing Damage(DamageTypeData)
Public propertyCureDispels
Number of times the combatant cured or dispelled
Public propertyDamage
Total damage
Public propertyDamagePercent
The amount of damage this combatant contributed compared to all it's allies (if this combatant is your ally)
Public propertyDamageTaken
Amount of damage inflicted on this combatant
Public propertyDeaths
How many times the combatant died
Public propertyDPS
Damage divided by the combatant's duration
Public propertyDuration
From StartTime to EndTime, or in the case of merged data, the additions of each encounter
Public propertyDurationS
Formatted duration string
Public propertyEncDPS
Damage divided by the duration of the encounter
Public propertyEncEndTime
The parent encounter's end time
Public propertyEncHPS
Amount healed divided by the duration of the encounter
Public propertyEncStartTime
The parent encounter's start time
Public propertyEndTime
EndTime based on outgoing actions
Public propertyExtDPS
Public propertyExtHPS
Public propertyHealed
Amount of damage healed on others or self
Public propertyHealedPercent
Amount of hitpoints healed when compared to other allies(if your ally)
Public propertyHeals
Number of times the combatant healed
Public propertyHealsTaken
Amount others or self healed this combatant
Public propertyHits
Number of successful attacks from Outgoing Damage(DamageTypeData)
Public propertyItems
DamageTypeData child objects
Public propertyKills
Number of kills
Public propertyMisses
Number of misses from Outgoing Damage(DamageTypeData)
Public propertyName
Combatant name
Public propertyParent
The EncounterData object that holds this
Public propertyPowerDamage
Power drain attacks
Public propertyPowerReplenish
Power replenishments
Public propertyShortEndTime
EndTime based on outgoing damage only
Public propertyStartTime
StartTime based on outgoing actions
Public propertySwings
Number of attacks from Outgoing Damage(DamageTypeData)
Public propertyTags
Arbitrary data you may assign to a CombatantData object
Public propertyToHit
Percentage of successful attacks
Public methodAddCombatAction
Public methodAddReverseCombatAction
Public methodCompareTo(Object)
Public methodCompareTo(CombatantData)
Public methodEquals(Object) (Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodEquals(CombatantData)
Public methodGetAttackType
Gets an AttackType object from child objects
Public methodGetColumnByName
Gets the cell text for a given column
Public methodGetCombatantType
Used for Encounter VCR combatant arranging
Public methodGetHashCode (Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetMaxHeal
Used for clipboard/mini window formatting {maxheal} and {maxhealward}
Public methodGetMaxHealth
Used for Encounter VCR... estimates how much health a combatant has based on the amount they took without dieing, factoring in heals.
Public methodGetMaxHit
Used for clipboard/mini window formatting {maxhit}
Public methodGetThreatDelta
The total threat delta outgoing
Public methodGetThreatStr
Formatted threat totals outgoing
Public methodInvalidateCachedValues
Public methodInvalidateCachedValues(Boolean)
Public methodModAlly
Change the amount a combatant seems like an ally to the current combatant
Public methodToString (Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodTrim
Removes excess array elements from child objects
Public fieldStatic memberColumnDefs
A collection of column definitions that may appear in tables
Public fieldStatic memberDamageSwingTypes
A collection of SwingTypes in a MasterSwing that may identify a hitpoint damage action For EQ2, this is 1 and 2 (AutoAttack & AbilitySkill)
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataIncomingDamage
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataIncomingHealing
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataNonSkillDamage
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataOutgoingCures
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataOutgoingDamage
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataOutgoingHealing
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataOutgoingPowerDamage
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataOutgoingPowerReplenish
Public fieldStatic memberExportVariables
A collection of text export formatters that may be used in clipboard/mini-window/etc exports
Public fieldStatic memberHealingSwingTypes
A collection of SwingTypes in a MasterSwing that may identify a hitpoint healing action For EQ2, this is 3 (Healing)
Public fieldStatic memberIncomingDamageTypeDataObjects
The DamageTypeData objects that are marked as incoming events under a combatant and the Ally mod value that an action sorted there attributes IE, {"Incoming Damage", -1} -1 is a negative ally action when someone damages you The last element in this array is special and becomes the data object that holds a copy of ALL data, IE "All Incoming (Ref)" is last for English EQ2
Public fieldStatic memberOutgoingDamageTypeDataObjects
The DamageTypeData objects that are marked as outgoing events under a combatant and the Ally mod value that an action sorted there attributes IE, {"Melee (Out)", -1} -1 is a negative ally action towards whom you are meleeing. The last element in this array is special and becomes the data object that holds a copy of ALL data, IE "All Outgoing (Ref)" is last for English EQ2
Public fieldStatic memberSwingTypeToDamageTypeDataLinksIncoming
Linkings from a SwingType(int) to a list of DamageTypeData objects. Similar to SwingTypeToDamageTypeDataLinksOutgoing except that this filters to the victim's data, not the attacker's. For instance, SwingType 1(Melee) should go to "Incoming Damage". SwingType 3(Healing) should go to "Healed (Inc)" Combat actions will always go to "All Incoming (Ref)" without a defined link.
Public fieldStatic memberSwingTypeToDamageTypeDataLinksOutgoing
Linkings from a SwingType(int) to a list of DamageTypeData objects. For instance, SwingType 1(Melee) should go to "Melee (Out)" and "Outgoing Damage". Combat actions will always go to "All Outgoing (Ref)" without a defined link.
See Also