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CombatantData Fields

The CombatantData type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberColumnDefs
A collection of column definitions that may appear in tables
Public fieldStatic memberDamageSwingTypes
A collection of SwingTypes in a MasterSwing that may identify a hitpoint damage action For EQ2, this is 1 and 2 (AutoAttack & AbilitySkill)
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataIncomingDamage
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataIncomingHealing
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataNonSkillDamage
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataOutgoingCures
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataOutgoingDamage
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataOutgoingHealing
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataOutgoingPowerDamage
Public fieldStatic memberDamageTypeDataOutgoingPowerReplenish
Public fieldStatic memberExportVariables
A collection of text export formatters that may be used in clipboard/mini-window/etc exports
Public fieldStatic memberHealingSwingTypes
A collection of SwingTypes in a MasterSwing that may identify a hitpoint healing action For EQ2, this is 3 (Healing)
Public fieldStatic memberIncomingDamageTypeDataObjects
The DamageTypeData objects that are marked as incoming events under a combatant and the Ally mod value that an action sorted there attributes IE, {"Incoming Damage", -1} -1 is a negative ally action when someone damages you The last element in this array is special and becomes the data object that holds a copy of ALL data, IE "All Incoming (Ref)" is last for English EQ2
Public fieldStatic memberOutgoingDamageTypeDataObjects
The DamageTypeData objects that are marked as outgoing events under a combatant and the Ally mod value that an action sorted there attributes IE, {"Melee (Out)", -1} -1 is a negative ally action towards whom you are meleeing. The last element in this array is special and becomes the data object that holds a copy of ALL data, IE "All Outgoing (Ref)" is last for English EQ2
Public fieldStatic memberSwingTypeToDamageTypeDataLinksIncoming
Linkings from a SwingType(int) to a list of DamageTypeData objects. Similar to SwingTypeToDamageTypeDataLinksOutgoing except that this filters to the victim's data, not the attacker's. For instance, SwingType 1(Melee) should go to "Incoming Damage". SwingType 3(Healing) should go to "Healed (Inc)" Combat actions will always go to "All Incoming (Ref)" without a defined link.
Public fieldStatic memberSwingTypeToDamageTypeDataLinksOutgoing
Linkings from a SwingType(int) to a list of DamageTypeData objects. For instance, SwingType 1(Melee) should go to "Melee (Out)" and "Outgoing Damage". Combat actions will always go to "All Outgoing (Ref)" without a defined link.
See Also