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FormActMain Methods

The FormActMain type exposes the following members.

Public methodActCommands
Accepts text commands to perform specific functions. In EQ2, if someone were to type "/act end", the parser would split apart the resulting text and send "end" to this method.
Public methodAddCombatAction(MasterSwing)
Runs the parsed data through the renaming checks(Data Correction tab), raises API events, notifies the Spell Timers window and adds the data to the current encounter
Public methodAddCombatAction(Int32, Boolean, String, String, String, Dnum, DateTime, Int32, String, String)
Runs the parsed data through the renaming checks(Data Correction tab), raises API events, notifies the Spell Timers window and adds the data to the current encounter
Public methodAddDamageToGraph Obsolete.
Public methodAddEditCustomTrigger
Public methodAddPluginPanel
Public methodChangeZone
Change the current zone name and update history DB
Public methodStatic memberCondenseGCMemory
Public methodCornerControlAdd
Add a control to the upper-right corner of ACT. Avoid heights greater than 24px
Public methodCornerControlRemove
Remove a control reference from the corner controls layout
Public methodCreateAssemblyReport
Public methodCreateDamageString
Protected methodDispose
Clean up any resources being used.
(Overrides FormDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodEncDatabaseAdd
Public methodEncountersToXml
Outputs Encounters as XML CombatActions
Public methodEndCombat
Sets the InCombat flag to false, ends the currently active encounters, updates their treeview labels, enters the data into the history database and if applicable runs the export functions
Public methodExportControlChildrenText
Public methodExportControlTextXML(Stream)
Export the Text property of all Form controls to an XML stream
Public methodExportControlTextXML(String)
Exports the Text property of all Form controls to an XML file (the -exportcontroltext switch for ACT can demonstrate this)
Public methodGetAttackTypeColumns
Gets a list of column names(Usable in GetColumnByName()) for the AttackType view table
Public methodGetAutomaticUpdatesAllowed
Gets whether the user preferences allow ACT to automatically check for updates
Public methodGetCombatantDataColumns
Gets a list of column names(Usable in GetColumnByName()) for the Combatant view table
Public methodGetCompanionFilePath
Creates a file path of a Companion Log file given a Main Log file and Companion name
Public methodGetDamageTypeDataColumns
Gets a list of column names(Usable in GetColumnByName()) for the DamageType view table
Public methodGetEncounterDataColumns
Gets a list of column names(Usable in GetColumnByName()) for the Encounter view table
Public methodGetGraphFillColors
Gets an array of Color structures defined by the Graph Color settings
Public methodGetPersonalTextExport
Public methodGetTextExport(EncounterData, TextExportFormatOptions)
Gets a text export of an encounter using formatters
Public methodGetTextExport(Int32, Int32, TextExportFormatOptions)
Gets a text export of an encounter using formatters
Public methodGetTextExport(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Gets a text export of an encounter using formatters
Public methodGetTextExport(EncounterData, TextExportFormatOptions, Font, Int32)
Public methodGetTextExport(Int32, Int32, TextExportFormatOptions, Font, Int32)
Public methodGetTextExport(Int32, Int32, Int32, Font, Int32)
Gets a text export of an encounter using formatters and column alignment
Public methodGetVersion
Gets the current version of ACT
Public methodStatic memberGetWindowRect
Public methodImportControlChilderenText
Public methodImportControlTextXML(Stream)
Imports an XML stream to replace the Text property of controls in this Form
Public methodImportControlTextXML(String)
Imports an XML file to replace the Text property of controls in this Form
Public methodStatic memberInvokeAddXmlShareToList
Public methodLcdGetColorView
Converts a bitmap to a G19 usable byte array. Optional scrolling.
Public methodLcdGetMonoView
Converts a bitmap to a G15 usable byte array. Optional scrolling.
Public methodLcdRegisterMode
Add a mode to the G15's LCD mode cycle
Public methodLcdUnregisterMode
Remove a mode from the G15's LCD mode cycle
Public methodLoadNewSettings
Public methodLoadXmlRecords
Public methodMemCompressGZip
Compresses an array of bytes with GZip/DEFLATE
Public methodMemDecompressGzip
Uncompresses an array of bytes compressed with GZip/DEFLATE
Public methodNotificationAdd
Add a notification to the main window Notifications tab
Public methodOpenCompanionLogs
Public methodOpenLog
Aborts the current log reading thread and opens the log file specified in the LogFilePath property
Public methodParseRawLogLine
Insert a log line into the parsing engine You should increment GlobalTimeSorter if you expect this line to generate combat data
Public methodPlayCommandSound
Plays the sound configured in Options -> Sound -> Command sound
Public methodPlayExportSound
Plays the sound configured in Options -> Sound -> Export sound
Public methodPlayMiscSound
Plays the sound configured in Options -> Sound -> Misc sound
Public methodPlaySound
Plays a PCM wave file using the currently selected implementation in PlaySoundMethod.
Public methodPlaySoundNull
Public methodPlaySoundWinApi
Public methodPlaySoundWmpApi
Public methodPlayTtsDirect
Public methodPlayTtsWavIntermediary
Public methodPluginCornerControlAdd
Add a control to the upper-right corner of the Plugin Listing tab. Avoid heights greater than 22px
Public methodPluginCornerControlRemove
Remove a control reference from the plugin corner controls layout
Public methodPluginDownload
Downloads a plugin file. May use WININET caching if requested more than once per ACT execution.
Public methodPluginGetGithubApi
Gets the GitHub API cache file of the plugin at (No rate limit) If the plugin is not GitHub hosted, this will throw an exception. The cache file is updated every 3 minutes if GitHub says it needs to be.
Public methodPluginGetRemoteDateUtc
Gets the DateTime of the plugin at
Public methodPluginGetRemoteVersion
Gets the version string of the plugin at
Public methodPluginGetSelfData
Gets the data about the current plugin instance
Public methodPluginGetSelfDateUtc
Gets the DateTime of the currently running plugin
Public methodPluginsApplyOrderToUI
Reads the ActPlugins List and reorders the GUI plugins page.
Public methodStatic memberPrintWindow(IntPtr)
Public methodStatic memberPrintWindow(IntPtr, IntPtr, Int32)
Public methodRebuildActiveCustomTriggers
Public methodResetCheckLogs
Resets the file watcher to use current settings and enables it if the associated checkbox allows.
Public methodResizeLVCols
Resizes the columns on a ListView depending on the column header length and column content length
Public methodRestartACT
Prompts the user to restart ACT with a non-blocking message. (thread-safe)
Public methodSaveXmlRecords
Public methodSelectiveListAdd
Add a player to the Selective Parsing list; checkmarked
Public methodSelectiveListClear
Completely clears the Seletive Parsing list
Public methodSelectiveListGetSelected
Determines if a combatant is in the Selective Parsing list and checkmarked
Public methodSelectiveListRemove
Remove a player from the Selective Parsing list; unchecking or removing
Public methodSelectiveListUncheckAll
Unchecks all combatants in the Selective Parsing list
Public methodSendHtmlToClipboard
Sends HTML formatted data to the clipboard in plain text format and CF_HTML format, which can be viewed with WYSIWYG applications.
Public methodSendToClipboard
Sends text to the Windows Clipboard in three different ways, if any previous one fails. Also may send clipboard data to the ACT Clipboard Sharer if connected.
Public methodSendToMacroFile
Sends a text file to the EQ2 folder
Public methodSetEncounter
This method ensures combat actions are sent to the correct encounter instance and sets the InCombat flag. It also checks the Selective Parsing list to see if the action should be entered into the encounter or ignored.
Public methodSetIoHelpText
Sets the the text of the help panel in the Import/Export tab
Public methodSetOptionsHelpText
Sets the the text of the help panel in the Options tab
Public methodSetParserToNull Obsolete.
Public methodTraySliderAdd
Creates and returns a TraySlider on the UI thread with an OK button for 15 seconds and shows within 250ms
Public methodTTS
Performs Text to Speech using the currently selected implementation in PlayTtsMethod. (Default ACT implementation uses a intermediary WAV file to avoid buggy cutoffs during high CPU usage)
Public methodUncachedFileSave(FileInfo, MemoryStream)
Bypass Windows disk write caching to save a file. If the file exists, it will be deleted first. If the file destination file already contains the data, the entire operation is skipped.
Public methodUncachedFileSave(FileInfo, MemoryStream, Boolean)
Bypass Windows disk write caching to save a file. If the file exists, it will be deleted first.
Public methodUnZip
Unzips a file to a folder
Public methodUpdateLcd
Raises an LCD update event
Public methodUpdateLcdStatus
Writes a timestamped message to the status area of the LCD options
Public methodUpdateMiniEnc
Immediately force an update to the Mini Window
Public methodValidateLists
Makes sure that the ACT options pages list all of the available columns. (Drop down selectors)
Public methodValidateTableSetup
Makes sure that the ACT options pages list all of the available columns. (Main table columns/sorters)
Public methodWriteDebugLog
Writes debugging information to the error log *if* ACT was started with the -debug switch.
Public methodWriteExceptionLog
Writes an exception to ACT's default error log
Public methodWriteInfoLog
Writes an informational message to the error log
Public methodXmlToEncounters
Parses an XML stream created by EncountersToXml()
Public methodZoneDatabaseAdd
See Also