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MasterSwing Properties

The MasterSwing type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttacker
Source of the action
Public propertyAttackType
Skill or Spell Name
Public propertyColCollection
Contains SQL column data
Public propertyStatic memberColHeaderCollection
Contains SQL column names
Public propertyStatic memberColHeaderString
Contains SQL column names
Public propertyStatic memberColTypeCollection
Contains SQL column data types
Public propertyCritical
Critical hit
Public propertyDamage
Amount of damage
Public propertyDamageType
Type of damage inflicted (crushing/magic/heat/disease etc)
Public propertyParentEncounter
Public propertySpecial
Public propertySwingType
Type of attack. Use (int)SwingTypeEnum
Public propertyTags
Arbitrary data you may assign to a MasterSwing object
Public propertyTime
Public propertyTimeSorter
Unique sorting number for exact order sorting
Public propertyVictim
Destination of the action
See Also