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EncounterData Methods

The EncounterData type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddCombatAction
Public methodEndCombat
Mark this encounter as inactive. Makes use of ActionDataLock.
Public methodEquals (Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodGetAllies
Determines the allies of the first person perspective by referencing the positive and negative actions against them
Public methodGetAllies(Boolean)
Determines the allies of the first person perspective by referencing the positive and negative actions against them
Public methodGetColumnByName
Public methodGetCombatant
Gets the CombatantData object with the character name supplied
Public methodGetEncounterSuccessLevel
Decides which color to use for encounter labels depending on how the encounter went.
Public methodGetHashCode (Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetIgnoreEnemies
Selective Parsing query
Public methodGetIsSelective
Selective Parsing query
Public methodGetMaxHeal
Used for clipboard/mini window formatting {maxheal} and {maxhealward}
Public methodGetMaxHit
Used for clipboard/mini window formatting {maxhit}
Public methodGetStrongestEnemy
Gets the non-ally that took the most damage divided by the number of deaths it suffered
Public methodInvalidateCachedValues
Public methodInvalidateCachedValues(Boolean)
Public methodSetAllies
Sets the cached allies list
Public methodSetAlliesUncached
Forces the next Ally detection to not use its cached value
Public methodToString
Gets the formatted title of this encounter
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodTrim
Trims unused array elements from all child objects, and their child objects
See Also