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FormActMain Properties

The FormActMain type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveCustomTriggers
Gets a list of Custom Triggers currently enabled
Public propertyActiveZone
The ZoneData object that represents the last zone an encounter was added to
Public propertyActPlugins
List of plugins shown in the UI. Call PluginsApplyOrderToUI() if modified. Avoid adding or removing entries, only reorder.
Public propertyAfterCombatActionDataLock
While this object is locked, ACT will not add data to encounters. This may prevent an encounter from ending if there is data queued. Usage: lock(AfterCombatActionDataLock) { code here; }
Public propertyAppDataFolder
ACT's application data folder for logs, config files, etc... %APPDATA%\Advanced Combat Tracker\
Public propertyCharacterFileNameRegex
Regex used to determine the character's name from the log's file path. The character name will be set as the first capturing group.
Public propertyCurrentZone
Public propertyCustomTriggers
All current Custom Trigger Definitions
Public propertyEncDatabase
Public propertyGameMacroFolder
The base folder where ACT generated macro exports should go. In EQ2 this is simply the base game folder.
Public propertyGlobalTimeSorter
Used to sort log entries of the same timestamp and match up events with log lines in the View Logs window
Public propertyInCombat
If ACT thinks it is currently in active combat. It is a VERY bad idea to set this variable. Please allow it to be set by SetEncounter() and EndCombat().
Public propertyInitActDone
Evaluates to true if ACT has finished initializing
Public propertyIoControlSets
Contains the controls to be visible given a certain Node.FullPath of IoTreeView
Public propertyIoTreeView
The TreeView for the Import/Export tab
Public propertyIsActClosing
Public propertyKnownActAssemblyNames
ACT will warn the user if ACT's folder contains assemblies not on this list. This is to curtail the bad practice of putting plugins in the default search path.
Public propertyLastEstimatedTime
The last known time by reading the time stamps of the log file plus the number of seconds since the last update
Public propertyLastHostileTime
The last time SetEncounter was called by a parsing event.
Public propertyLastKnownTime
The last known time by reading the time stamps of the log file
Public propertyLastLogLine
Public propertyLcdCurrentMode
String representation of the currently visible LCD mode
Public propertyLogEncoding
The encoding ACT will open a log with. (Default is UTF8) If you change this value, you should call OpenLog() for it to take effect.
Public propertyLogFileFilter
The file filter to use in order to find log files, such as "eq2log*.txt"
Public propertyLogFileParentFolderName
The base logs folder name. This is used to determine if the folder one or more levels up is the base log folder or hidden through a UNC path share For example, the log file is C:\EQ2\Logs\Permafrost\eq2log_Aditu.txt If "Logs" is entered here, ACT will search all sub-folders of Logs for updated log files. In the case that the file path of the currently open file does not contain this value, like a UNC share path, ACT will not look farther than the current folder for log files.
Public propertyLogFilePath
Currently used log file. To open a new log file, change this property and call OpenLog()
Public propertyLogPathHasCharName
Public propertyMainTreeView
The TreeView object of the main window. You should not navigate through the nodes to enumerate things as the node collection is populated dynamically as nodes are expanded
Public propertyOptionsControlSets
Contains the controls to be visible given a certain Node.FullPath of OptionsTreeView
Public propertyOptionsTreeView
The TreeView for the Options tab
Public propertyPortable
If ACT started in Portable mode and is trying to keep files out of %APPDATA%/%TEMP%
Public propertyReadThreadLock
Suspends log file reading of the currently open log file
Public propertySnippetShareRegex
Used to parse artbitrary log lines for XML snippet sharing. By default it follows a EQ2 specific format for efficiency.
Public propertyTemporaryFolder
The temp folder that ACT uses. May be in %TEMP%.
Public propertyTextExportFormats
Public propertyTextExportFormatterCap1
The left mark that offsets a text export format variable such as '{' or '<format>'
Public propertyTextExportFormatterCap2
The right mark that offsets a text export format variable such as '}' or '</format>'
Public propertyTextExportFormatterRegex
This regex must split apart a text export formatting string into matches containing an export formatter or plain text If a match is a formatting variable, it must be put into the "formatter" capture group If a match is plain text, it must be put into the "text" capture group What is left and right of the "formatter" must be assigned to TextExportFormatterCap1 and TextExportFormatterCap2 respectively Default is: "{(?<formatter>[^}]+)}|(?<text>[^{]+)"
Public propertyTimeStampLen
The number of characters the full timestamp takes from the beginning of the line until the first character of the rest of the line Include spaces.
Public propertyZoneChangeRegex
The full Regex to detect zone changes within a log file. This is specifically used by a quick scan method to find the zone name without the normal parsing engine encountering the line.
Public propertyZoneDatabase
Public propertyZoneList
Contains a list of ZoneData objects that exist in memory
See Also