Click or drag to resize

SettingsSerializer Methods

The SettingsSerializer type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddBooleanSetting
Add a boolean object to serialize
Public methodAddControlSetting
Add a Control to serialize. Supported: CheckBox.Checked, RadioButton.Checked, NumericUpDown.Value, ListBox.Items(string[]), Panel.Width/Height, TextBox.Text Supported: ComboBox.Text(ComboBoxStyle.DropDown), Form.Left/Top/Width/Height, TrackBar.Value, CheckedListBox.Items(string[])/(ItemChecked) Supported: PictureBox.BackColor, Button.Text/Font
Public methodAddDirectoryInfoSetting
Add a DirectoryInfo object to serialize
Public methodAddIntSetting
Add an Int32 object to serialize
Public methodAddLongSetting
Add an Int64 object to serialize
Public methodAddStringSetting
Add a String object to serialize
Public methodDispose
Public methodExportToXml
Serializes all of the objects currently added to XML
Protected methodFinalize (Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodFinializeComboBoxes
During deserialization of ComboBoxes they are temporarily set as DropDown style to select the old value. This step returns all ComboBoxes to their original style and selects the correct index.
Public methodImportFromXml
Import the serialized settings from the XML pull parser
Public methodRemoveControlSetting
See Also